A Nonprofit Organization Supporting the Bandon Library
BLFF LMC 2018 Fundraising Gathering
LMC Gathering Last Minutes November 4, 2018
Introducing the new Lifetime Members Club of the Bandon Library Friends & Foundation.
Date: November 4, 2018
Time: 2-4 PM
Location: Bandon Public Library Sprague Room
The library proposed three projects that are out-of-budget enhancements to improve your experiences at our library. Please come prepared to:
Select a project to fund after they are presented and discussed.
Get a tour of the library.
Give feedback on what things would improve the library’s environment, services or activities in the future.
Consider volunteering to be an LMC steering committee member.
Win fun door prizes and enjoy munchies!
Write that check, please!
November 25 update: There were 12 Lifetime Members present for our first gathering. The project picked was Brenda Brainard’s workshop and lecture that is being held November 16-18, 2018.
The official summary is as follows: Two all day weaving workshops, November 16th and 18th. Also an Indigenous Foods presentation on November 17th by Brenda Brainard, Miulk Coos descendant, Educator and Director of the Native Studies Program in Eugene. She is also a basket weaver, traditional storyteller and presenter of native culture. The $2,000 amount will reimburse expenses for this November as well as two additional presentation/workshop weekends in Bandon in 2019.
We raised $1,350. As stated BLFF will receive 5% which is $67. This leaves $1,283.50. This will cover two of her three visits.
The 1 1/2 hour gathering was fun, thoughtful and necessary. There was a great discussion on all three projects, past BLFF funded projects and the future of our library. Without additional financial support our library would not be as great as it is. And it can only get better.
There are three lifetime members interested in supporting new pots for the plants, purchased from The Mercantile in Bandon. The full project is $780. I met with Sara. All the plants could be transplanted with a few less new pots for $700. Final details are in the works. Look for the new pots with happy plants in early spring 2019.
There was one member who thought getting a cushion for the window box in the Kid’s Zone was needed and gave Rosalyn $50 toward her $550 goal. Anyone else interested in contributing toward this can speak to our director directly.