Bandon Library Friends and Foundation
Officers and Board of Directors
Megan Maloney, President
Cathy Johnston, Vice President
Linda Hill, Secretary
Tracy Hodson, Treasurer
Dennis Hitchcock
Horty Joyce, Chair: Membership, Book Sales and Film Night
Sabrina Johnson
Lorna Logan, Chair: Summer Book Sale
Karen Thomas, Chair, Book Club
Committees and Workgroups
These are standing committees. Please contact the chair if you’d be willing to serve or contribute. See below for descriptions of the various BLFF officer, chair and volunteer positions. Please join us and support the Bandon Library!

Summer, Holiday and Never Ending Book Sale Committee
Holiday Book Sale Chair: Cathy Johnston |
Membership Committee Chair: Horty Joyce Members: Maureen Haggerty Maintain the membership list and provide labels and printed directories (contact email: BLFF@bandonlff.org) |
Newsletter Committee Chair: Eunice Olson This committee produces the quarterly BLFF newsletter. (contact email: BLFFnewsletter@bandonlff.org) |
Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon Planning Committee
Chair: varies annually |
Web Advisory Group Chair: Maureen Haggerty Maintains the website. (contact webmaster@bandonlff.org) |
Publicity Committee Chair: Megan Maloney Develops promotional material and publicizes BLFF sponsored and supported events. (contact email: publicity@bandonlff.org) |
Book Club Series Chairs: Karen Thomas (contact email: bookclub@bandonlff.org) |
Lifetime Members Club Chair: Cathy Johnston (contact email: lifetimemembers@bandonlff.org) |
You will find descriptions of the duties and responsibilities of the these volunteer positions on the volunteering page. |
Descriptions for various Board positions
These are in pdf format and you’ll need the Adobe Reader from http://adobe.com to view them. They are currently drafts.
BOARD MEMBERS AND OFFICERS: Position Duties and Responsibilities
BLFF Board Member
BLFF Board President
BLFF Board Vice President
BLFF Board Secretary
BLFF Board Treasurer